Genicular Nerve Block & Radiofrequency Ablation
Walk better with our non-surgical treatment
How do you treat knee problems?
Most cause of knee pain such as sprains and strains are usually treated with rest & physical therapy. We also provide non-surgical treatment for chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis. The non-surgical treatment can provide symptomatic pain relief resulting in improved quality of life.
Some problems such as tear in the cartilage or bad osteoarthritis might require surgical referral for surgery such as arthroscopy or total knee replacement.
What are the non-surgical treatment options that you offer?
Many chronic conditions might not require immediate surgery. We provide non-surgical treatment for chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis. The non-surgical treatment can provide symptomatic pain relief resulting in improved quality of life. The treatments we offer include:
Intraarticular knee injection
Genicular nerve block & Radiofrequency Ablation
What is Genicular Nerve Block?
The knee joint gets much of its sensation from the genicular nerves. These nerves do not control the muscles of the leg and can be ablated in patients with persistent knee pain. Genicular nerve block applies local anesthetic to the network of nerves that supply sensation to the knee joint.
Three small injections around the knee are made under x-ray guidance to temporarily halt the flow of pain signals from the knee to the brain. If patient gets temporary pain relief from Genicular nerve block, we proceed to Genicular Radiofrequency Ablation for long term pain relief
What is Genicular RFA?
Genicular Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a technique that uses heat to coagulates the nerve proteins of Genicular nerves, stopping them from functioning. This interferes with the conduction and transmission of pain signals from the joint to the brain.
Over time, the joint pain is likely to return once the lesioned nerves regrow. However, RFA has been shown to be safe to administer repeatedly in patients with consistent pain reduction results.