Motor Vehicle Accident
Pain treatment of a serious public health hazard
Motor vehicle safety is a serious public health problem . Millions of adult drivers and passengers are treated in emergency departments as a result of being injured in in motor vehicle crashes.
What is the mechanism of injury during a motor vehicle accident?
When a vehicle in motion is suddenly stopped by collision with another vehicle, the damage is caused by the rate of sudden deceleration. The occupants of the vehicle continue to move at the original speed until a force such as a seat belt , the steering wheel or a windshield causes them to slow down or stop. Even then, the organs of the body continue in motion till they are stopped by bones or other supporting structures within the body.
“Dr. Goswami has helped me immensely to relieve the pain I was experiencing… He wants the best for all of his patients and it shows through the great care and follow up! I recommend his practice!”
— Emily Van
What are the common injuries associated with motor vehicle accident?
Neck pain or back pain caused by whiplash is the most common injury among car occupants. This can lead to chronic whiplash-associated disorder.
Other injuries include head, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic or limb injury.
What is Whiplash Associated Disorder?
Whiplash is a collective term applied to injuries of the spine that often result from an automobile accident, usually when a vehicle has been hit from rear. The condition occurs when sudden acceleration-decelration forces the spine to whip back and forth (hyperextension followed by hyperflexion).
Common Symptoms include:
What motor vehicle related disorders are treated by Dr. Goswami?
Shoulder pain
Rotator cuff injury
Elbow or wrist pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
How does Dr. Goswami treat pain related to motor vehicle injuries?
Physical therapy
Medical Management, including NSAID, anticonvulsants & antidepressants
Minimally invasive treatment such as:
Usually reserved for very few patients with pain from structural anatomical problems that have not responded to medical or interventional therapy.
What is Epidural Steroid Injection?
Epidural Steroid Injection is a technique in which a small amount of steroid is injected into the epidural space around the spinal cord and spinal nerves. The anti-inflammatory effects of the corticosteroid is responsible for providing pain relief.